A Long Stride

March 16, 2015
Last night, I had a dream, that I went back to my high school days. Sitting on the track, waiting for coaches orders, and a long elongated speech. (Back when I was in younger, those speeches meant nothing to me.) Little to my knowledge, it meant everything, to power your stride and to keep going forward is something we all need to learn to do. He told me, “Keep running, Keep running.” Those words were engraved in my head, like a nursery rhyme that paints a picture in the mind of a child. In the dream, I set my foot, ready to go. The gun shoots and…

I woke up.

Later in the day, I went to afternoon dance practice.
After all my failed attempts, I stood back up.
Appreciate the words of elders.
It applies to everything.
~Medici Cruz

A Long Stride

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